Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Press Release

International Adoption or Abandonment: One Raleigh Family’s Race Against Time

International Adoption or Abandonment

On an international mission trip to the Ukraine, sponsored by Hope Community Church, James Livshin began a God-sized adventure. They arrived at the aged, dank, cold orphanage on a frigid March day. This place was so intimidating it was almost inconceivable that it housed children. James said that they were there to “share the love and good news of Christ” but wasn’t prepared for the overwhelming love that they received by the disadvantaged children.

( -- April 23rd, 2013) Raleigh, NC -- James Livshin is beginning the adventure of his life after a mission trip to the Ukraine introduced him to the world of international abandonment.
Lisa was like the orphanage mother, an amazing 15 year old with so much love to give. She was very nurturing to the younger orphans and has seen many children come and go. She is turning 16 in two months and that means she will age out of the system. She will be abandoned. In the Ukraine aging out of the system means that you are on your own to face the world. For Lisa, aging-out is too awful to even think about.

The Livshin’s have three children of their own including a 15 year old daughter. She has grown up will all the comforts of this world, a nice home, food, clothes, and a good education. James knew that his own daughter was nowhere near ready to be on her own. So then, what are the chances for Lisa?  The and its partners reported the following frightening stats for the Ukraine from 2009 to 2012: 96% of abandoned orphans will turn to alcohol abuse, 80% of abandoned orphans will turn to some form of crime, 24% of abandoned orphans will contract HIV, 15% of abandoned orphans will commit suicide, and the list goes on. What if these were the odds for his daughter? James says he asked himself “if this was God’s plan for him?” Was he Lisa’s last chance of having a home where she could be part of a family for the first time? Lisa is a dreamer, and for years her biggest dream was to modestly belong to a family. She pleads her case with international adoption candidates with promises to cook, clean, help and work to earn the love of her own family. A sleepless night was all it took. James told his wife that she deserves more. Like any other child in this world she deserves unconditional love.

James took action. The total cost of the adoption is $25,000 and he put up $10,000 of his own money to start the process. The Livshin family has also partnered with Reece's Rainbow Adoption Ministry out of Maryland. He has approximately two months to raise the additional $15,000 and prepare his family to travel overseas for six weeks to go through the strenuous international adoption process.
James and Jamie Livshin have three children of their own and live in the Raleigh area of North Caroline. To support their effort to save Lisa’s life, make a tax deductible donation here:

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